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Herbert J. Walberg

Herbert J. Walberg
Herbert ("Herb") J. Walberg
(retired) Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Stanford University Hoover Institution
Formerly professor Harvard University and University of Illinois at Chicago

Bio and Research Interest

Herb served as a founding member of the National Assessment Governing Board, referred to as "the national school board," given its mission to set education standards for U.S. students and measure progress in achieving them. He was also appointed by the President and approved by the Senate as a founding member of the National Board for Education Sciences, which provides policy guidance and oversight for education research.

Herb has given invited lectures in Australia, Belgium, China, England, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Taiwan, Venezuela, and the U .S to educators and policy makers. He has frequently testified before U.S. Congressional committees, state legislators, and federal courts.  

Herb chaired the Scientific Advisory Group for the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development project on international educational indicators. He has advised the government officials in Israel, Japan, Portugal, Singapore, Sweden, and the U.K. on education research and policy.

Herb has written or edited more than 70 books and written about 300 articles on such topics as educational effectiveness and exceptional human accomplishments. In his career he specialized in the measurement and analysis of conditions that make for outstanding accomplishments.

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